Year of 2021 during covit-19 time our mission fields was affected highly even Red zone lockdown some of places. Since that time we gated lots of requests from mission fields that there is lack of food materials. GMF started to concern about that issues and was trying to find way to help families. God provided an answers of our prayers. We have got donations from USA and Taiwan friends to helps our peoples. Over nine hundred families was received month groceries from GMF Relief projects about four months continually. We were really very thankful for all of our donors that time helped us to supporting needy poor families over Jashore and Khulna districts.
Bangladesh receives cold streams every winter. Destitute people die in severe winter due to lack of winter clothes. GMF helps about five hundred families every year through its blanket distribution scheme. The honorable Mayor of the Khulna City Corporation himself with his official staffs and political party members attended and distributed this blanket to the listed families on our Winter Aid program. KTV channel covers our social activities as media partner. Every year we have hope to providing more to more needy families. Specially poor oldest and children are first priorities into our lists. We do believe that we can do more of more good works through your minimum contributions along with us. The world is getting digital in day by day, getting smarter in day by day. Truth is if you try to helps people through your minimum contributions then getting peace in your mind and your own world will be shining by your loves and cares.
* Any kind of natural disaster time GMF would like to serve affected peoples through our relief programs.
* We would love to informed to our donors that whom may donating for GMF relief funds, that we may properly use it on time of any kind of natural disasters happens in Bangladesh.
* We love to raising funds for providing assistance to the affected communities by any disasters.